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15 phrases that every woman dreams of hearing

15 phrases that every woman dreams of hearing

What’s for dinner?’ ‘I have to work late again!’ ’Where’s my green sweater?’ These everyday phrases are probably familiar to any couple. But what would women actually like to hear from their men?
we put together some nice phrases that will melt the heart of any lady. Warning: don’t take everything in this article too seriously.

You look so pretty without makeup!

You drive the car better than most of the men I know.

Take a nap, honey. I’ll cook dinner/wash the dishes/clean the house/help the kids with their homework myself.

I hardly recognized you! You look so slim!

The supermodel in the see-through dress? She stood next to me? No, I didn’t notice her...

Yes, we’re going to Bali! Yes, for a whole month!

It doesn’t matter how much it cost if you like it!

You’re the first girl my mom absolutely adores!

I’m good, thanks. But you can drink more if you want to.

Of course, you’re right!

We don’t need to choose. Let’s buy everything!

Would you like to be in a movie? You have such an expressive face!

My friends can wait!

Whatever happens, happens! We’re together, and nothing else matters!

I love you! Will you marry me?

Based on materials from Men's Health

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